Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain
Lantra Awards Accredited Craft Certification Scheme
The Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain (DSWA), in partnership with the Awarding Body, Lantra Awards, offers a series of progressive practical tests, which ultimately leads to the DSWA Master Craftsman certificate in dry stone walling. The scheme is designed to ensure that dry stone wallers and dykers achieve the highest standards of craftsmanship.
Tests are available for the Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 certificates and DSWA Master Craftsman level. Certificates at Levels 1, 2 and 3 are recognised and approved by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The Master Craftsman Certificate is the DSWA’s highest qualification.
Who can be Tested?
Tests are available to all individuals, whether or not members of the DSWA. We recommend that candidates new to drystone walling, or with limited experience, commence with the Level 1 test. Those working in the craft or with more experience may start at Level 2.
Where to get Help and Guidance
Dates for training courses held at the National Training Site in Cumbria are published at www.dswa.org.uk. Locally based basic training and practice events can also be found under the Branch section of the DSWA website. The Association can advise on test dates taking place at other locations throughout the country. Less experienced candidates can contact training@dswa.org.uk for further advice.
How to Apply
Application forms are available from the DSWA office or can be downloaded from the website, www.dswa.org.uk, from the Certification Scheme section under the Training heading. Applications should be submitted with the relevant fee at least four weeks prior to the test date. Payment can be made on-line via the DSWA website, using either PayPal orcredit/debit cards but a completed application form still needs to be sent to the office either by email or post. The fees include registration and examination costs plus the certificates if successful.
How Tests are Arranged and Conducted
Tests will take place on pre-arranged test days, usually with a minimum of six candidates (different levels is acceptable). You should contact the DSWA office to discuss options for tests in remote areas. Additional costs will apply.
Tests cannot take place until the Application Form and fees have been received by the DSWA. Mark sheets will be issued to the Examiner(s) once applications have been processed.
At all levels, the work must be the unaided work of the candidate. Candidates should not take a test on a section of wall on which they have previously practised. It is recommended lots be drawn for test sections and Examiners will ensure critical stones, such as those for cheekends, are randomised where a site has obviously been used for practices or previous tests. Over use of tools is discouraged and the use of angle grinders and/or stone saws is not permitted during the test.
Candidates should ensure their attire and conduct throughout the test are in the best interests of their own safety and the safety of others on the site. Everyone involved with tests should behave in an appropriate manner throughout.
Protective footwear must be worn throughout the test.
To pass, a candidate must achieve at least the minimum mark in each section of the particular test. In addition, the candidate must achieve the overall minimum total mark for the specific level of test in orderto gain the certificate. All sections must have a mark awarded; pass or fail is not acceptable.
Note: If any section in any test is marked below the minimum mark required, this constitutes overall failure forthe whole test, even if the total marks achieved exceed the minimum mark required for that test.
Where a candidate fails to achieve the marks required to pass a test, Examiners must clearly indicate areas of weakness to the candidate.
DSWA/Lantra Awards will appoint Examiners for all relevant tests and may send representatives, without notice, to observe tests taking place.
Examiners should not examine their own trainees or employees.
Appeals must be made in writing within ten working days of the test. The Appeals Procedure is available at www.dswa.org.uk
Working Wallers & Dykers
The list of contractors, available on the DSWA website, www.dswa.org.uk, indicates the level of certification held by those paying the current professional subscription to the Dry Stone Walling Association.
Overseas Candidates
Separate arrangements can be made for candidates wishing to take the DSWA certificates overseas (any level) for which a registration-only fee is required with the application form.
Under the General Data Protection Regulations, the Dry Stone Walling Association maintains a computerised record of all certificates issued, which is used to provide information about the skills level and qualifications of an individual, if required.
If a certificate is lost or damaged, replacements can be obtained from DSWA, at a cost of £30 per certificate.
What the Examiners Look For
- General Approach and Safety at all Levels
- Methodical approach to work. Aptitude for and attitude to the job in hand particularly in regard to safe handling of heavy stones and instruction to others giving assistance if required.
- Consistent display of skill.
- Safe use of hammer.
- Keeping working area clear of obstacles.
- Leaving any surplus stone intidy heaps.
- Appropriate PPE safety boots and safety spectacles/goggles are compulsory especially on stonewhich splinters.
- Awareness of any health and safety issues and due regard to others on site or nearby.
- Due regard givento preservation of wildlife and habitat within, on and beside the wall.
Note: Unsafe practices displayed in a test situation, especially with regard to others on the site, will result in failure of a test and, if necessary the Examiner will halt the test.
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